Thursday, November 19, 2009

My $$$ Challenge

I am challenging myself to shop minimally for groceries until Thanksgiving. I want to try to cook meals for the next five days using only what we have in our pantry, fridge, and freezer. All I will allow myself to buy is produce and milk.

I usually do one large grocery trip per week, as well as a few small ones (I usually stick to Giant, Whole Foods, and Trader Joe's). I bought a lot of food at Trader Joe's last week (although I really didn't spend any more than my weekly budget; I love that store, it's so inexpensive!), so I am going to try to use up what I have left. This is what I have to work with for dinners:

Two cod filets
Two porterhouse steaks
Two chicken breasts (bone in and skin on)

Leftover beef stew (tonight's dinner)
Leftover mac 'n' cheese (today's unhealthy, but made from scratch lunch) :-)
Cream cheese
2 avocados
A bunch of carrots
A whole pineapple
Leeks (they are looking a little sad and need to be used ASAP)
Yellow peppers
Parmesan chunks
Shredded cheese
Beef stock

Whole wheat pasta
Brown rice (and a little basmati rice)
Panko bread crumbs
Two whole potatoes
Nuts (walnuts and almonds)
Staples (olive oil, balsamic vinegar, spices, flour, etc)

Ok, so it seems like I have a lot to work with, but I seriously would have headed to the grocery store tomorrow to spend $75 - $100. Let's see what I can do! :-)

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